poniedziałek, 4 marca 2013

Figure Forming in historical perspective

In the late 70th century developed the French surgeon Illouz an operation method to remove fat tissue. Unlike dieting with exercise and diet, the fat did not come back again. The method was called liposuction (lipo = fat) or liposuction in English. French doctors were long alone in providing such treatment and in the U.S., the method was first introduced in 1982. Relatively shortly after this contouring accepted in most parts of the world.

In Norway began Fornebuklinikken - as the first clinic in northern Europe - with liposuction in 1983, and called the method of liposuction or body contouring. In recent years it has become common to use liposuction again. In the mid 80's it was in both the U.S. and Norway developed new and improved instruments. These were more gentle to the surrounding tissues, and the use of these rarely led to irregularities in the skin - which previously could be a problem.
In the years 1987 to 1988, the anesthetic technique improved. Dilute local anesthetic was injected into the fatty tissue in large quantities without the side effects recorded.
General anesthesia was unnecessary, and was able to go straight home after treatment. Absence from work was no longer necessary. What some call "the traditional fettsugingsteknikken" was abandoned by most clinics in 1988 - 89
In the mid 90th century, it became popular to remove fat using ultrasound. Six years of experience with this method has given us great insight into the benefits and disadvantages.
In Norway, we estimate that over 30,000 women and men in the period from 1983 to 2004, has undergone liposuction. During these years, Fornebuklinikken Center for Cosmetic Surgery, performed over 10,000 treatments. We are up to date on any new methods and instruments.
Liposuction, liposuction, body contouring, liposuction, liposuction - they are all names for the same thing.

2. Where liposuction is best suited?

You may have noticed that the fat in certain parts of the body not as readily slimming. You're not the target despite attempts with diet and exercise. The problem of too much whether you are overweight or slim. It is this type of fat accumulation we treat with liposculpture / liposuction.
Examples of areas of the body where liposuction is suitable chin, chest, abdomen, hips, buttocks, outer thighs, inner knees, ankles and back. In women, hips, thighs, lower abdomen normal. In men, fat often accumulates over the chest, under the chin and on the hips. Injuries and surgical interventions fat tissue deformed. Some medications, such as. Some hormones can cause a peculiar, abnormal distribution of fat tissue in the body. Some rare diseases can cause fatty tissue specific forms. All of these conditions we have treated with liposuction and the results are good.
If there is too much fat tissue in the area of ​​the plastic surgery to be performed, liposuction can be performed simultaneously with the main operation. Examples are face lifts, breast reduction and tummy tuck.

3. Who can be treated with liposuction?

All physically and mentally healthy people with normal wound healing and is not allergic to anesthetics can be operated. One must have realistic expectations about the results. There is really no age limit upwards or downwards, but you should be fully developed and not pregnant. It is appropriate to wait six months after birth. Then generally the body weight stabilized. The skin of the abdomen also need some time to pull together after liposuction performed.
Liposuction is not a diet method. The method aims to shape the figure where weight gain or hereditary factors has adversely deposition of fat cells, which are difficult to slimming. Typical of such areas is the stomach-waist or on the outside of the thighs, to name two. Exercise combined with diet results, but in these women seem fat burning to be more pronounced elsewhere on the body, so that these areas "hang". In young subjects with good skin, maybe a liposuction could solve the problem. Sometimes the skin is loose and inelastic, especially in the abdomen or inner thighs, especially in women who have chosen to go down in weight or in thin operated. Then it may be necessary to remove loose excess skin at the time of liposuction,
Liposuction can not be done in very overweight, limit goes by BMI (body mas index) 30 At BMI over 30 increases the chance of complications dramatically. Here we claim for weight loss first. Overweight treated with liposuction are often not completely satisfied with the results - because of some "make a difference too small." We can not remove too much fat from very obese patients due. risk of complications. It is preferable that such operations are done after one has reached his ideal weight. Further weight reduction can lead to a need for enough an operation later.
Just before surgery, the skin should be clean with no blemishes, wounds or eczema. Some medications delay wound healing or increase the risk of bleeding (eg acetyl salisyl - as such. Dispril, aspirin-E, see especially under point 5) and must not be taken two weeks before such an intervention. When using such medications due. cardiovascular disease is not recommended to stop using them and may not be offered surgery because of increased bleeding risk. Patients with other recognized risk of bleeding can not be operated, nor those with recognized risk of blood clots.
Smoking and alcohol should be avoided - both before and after surgery. For contouring is a required that you stop smoking at least two weeks in advance and not smoking a week afterwards. Also applies to tobacco and nicotine gum. This is to prevent wound complication.
The operation is not performed when you have the flu with fever, cough or other infections.
You will need to take it easy for at least a week afterwards. Mothers with young children in need of assistance 1-2 weeks after surgery.
Liposuction performed on cosmetic grounds do not provide for sick leave.
We are not individuals who are mentally unstable, abusing alcohol, drugs or have a serious eating disorder. Women who have had eating disorder must submit statement from your treating physician or psychologist that this is behind us and that there is no obstacle to undergo liposuction.
All plastic surgeons in Norway are subject to strict ethical rules for plastic surgery, developed in collaboration with the Norwegian Medical Association. Patients under 18 years should not be offered cosmetic surgery

4. How should I prepare?

You will receive written information about how to deal with before surgery. Before you leave home the day of surgery and showers you take full body wash and hair wash with an antibacterial soap (Hibiscrub, available purchase at pharmacy). Especially carefully washed abdomen, legs and feet. The soap is then rinsed with water. You arrive fasting because the procedure will take place in the light sedation and local anesthesia, ie not to eat, drink, smoke (!) Or chewing gum from 24.00 hours the evening before. Patients to be operated after 12:00 can eat a light breakfast (up to 6 hours before arriving at the clinic). Do you use regular medication can be taken in the morning with some water. Drugs obtained by prescription in relation to the procedure is also taken with some water (read carefully on the prescription). You should have arranged to have someone pick you up or take a taxi! You can not drive or take the train / bus home. You can not keep you up to more than 2 hours drive from the clinic first night, in case you need extra control or assistance from us. If you live further away from the clinic and do not have family or friends who you stay with, we assist you in finding hotels near the clinic.

5. How do surgery

Schematic crosscut through the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscle. The left should be treated with liposuction.

Fettsugingssonden is led back and forth in different directions, making a series of cavities in fat tissue.

Liposuction is done. The fat tissue has the appearance of a "Swiss cheese" with a number of cavities and channels.

By means of pressure from outside, with a panty or elastic bandage, the cavities pressed together. After a few weeks, forming fine fibers of scar tissue that keeps the reduced fat tissue together.
You are treated in an operating room. Surgeon, nurse, nurse anesthetist and sometimes also anesthetist is present (anesthesia = anesthesia). You get first an "indifferent" medicine and as a sedative, which provide light sedation. Local anesthetics are then in the fat tissue to be removed.
Other processing in 3D film here.
Through one or two small holes in the skin so the fat cells sucked out with a cannula (a thin steel). The cannula is connected to a pump or a syringe (syringe) that creates a negative pressure in the needle. The pump is better in the removal of greater amounts of fat tissue - spraying suitable for smaller quantities.
Often, if the fat is hard wired, we use internal ultrasound to "crush" the fat before it is sucked out. We use as 5th generation equipment, also called "Vase" method. Areas where ultrasound is suitable hips and stomach. Breast fat in men is difficult to remove without ultrasound. We use the method we consider best for you. The results are equally good whether we use a pump or syringe.
You sleep during the entire procedure. Operation ends when the opening in the skin is stitched back with one stitch, and covered with a tight bandage, girdle or garter. You can go straight home after the treatment, but most prefer to rest for an hour in one of the clinic's recovery room.
Panty and elastic bandage are of us.
Some clinics claim that they have a better method, instruments and better surgeons. The fact is that some 20 surgeons in Norway has extensive experience with liposuction and good results. Liposuction is performed in much the same way - the world over. All liposuction treatment in Norway is carried out by hand surgeons. The methods are well established and practiced by the vast majority. What matters to you is the clinic's procedures and surgeon's experience.

6. First steps

It is recommended that those who are entitled to it, meet at a consultation for evaluation. Time to order by phone: 67 11 54 20 or by contacting us here.
On Fornebuklinikken going consultation with one of our experienced plastic surgeons, who considers "problem areas" and skin elasticity. It will make an assessment and discuss with you the treatment that is best and what results to expect. You will get answers to any questions. Generally, we also take photographs of her thighs. It eases the feasibility study on reading these info pages well before you come.
Unless there are medical reasons that speak against such an operation, you decide whether to undergo surgery or not. For certain conditions (asthma, diabetes, etc..) That may affect the implementation of the procedure, consulted anesthetist.
If you live far away, we like to make an assessment on the basis of images (only front and side) and a health certificate, which is mailed to you. mail or e-mail. Contact us here. Surgeon calls you up after seeing the pictures. Consultation with final assessment can then be made the day of surgery.
After a "consultation" is it normal to think through whether to have surgery or not. If you decide, you will be scheduled for operation. Operations at private clinics must pay yourself.

7. The days afterwards

When you go home from the clinic will receive verbal and written information on how to proceed the first time.
It is important that you plan the operation well, so you really have the opportunity to stay in the first week.
You will feel a bit tired and under the weather the first few hours after surgery. It is not unusual that first day may feel restless and a little uneasy, because. medicines you have been given. Severe pain is unusual, but most will need pain medication, one to two days. A few patients may experience nausea.
You will receive a prescription for medication to help prevent these problems. In addition, you will see the stronger pain and antiemetic medications home. We know that problems can be prevented and reduced to a minimum by careful dosage of these drugs, therefore follow the written advice ours.
The first few days you will feel "bruised" and feel some "pressure" in the treated area. This will decrease during the first week. The first two days will all be as still as possible.
Compression garments are available at the clinic during the operation, and it is to be worn around the clock for six days. If the dressing is soaked with liquid, is changed or enhanced with a bandage out. After six days remove any bandages, but not paper tape over the wound, and take the first shower. It is normal for some blood and anesthetic fluid from wounds in the first week. Compression garments may be washed or rinsed in connection with the shower room. Paper tape is air dried or dried with a hairdryer before compression garment is put on again.
Paper tape on the wound removed the first time after 10 to 12 days and then replaced weekly (not more frequently because this gives skin ulcers). There is a use stitches that dissolve by itself when changing paper tape.
The scars be taped in 2-3 months to achieve penest possible scar. The scars should not be exposed to sunlight or tanning beds direct (sun-block or shorts) the first year, while they are reddish. It can cause pigmentation or thicker scars.
It is beneficial to small air tours. Cycling and swimming can be started cautiously after 4 weeks. More advanced training such as jogging, aerobics and weight training can be resumed gradually after 4-6 weeks. If you experience pain or discomfort must exercise postponed for a few more weeks. Listen to your body.
If you have heavy physical work, you will probably need to be away from work for a few days. Liposuction of large areas will also require that you remain quiet any longer. If you do not have the body of work, there is nothing in the way of going to work the next day afterwards. It may feel uncomfortable to move - but the result is just as well if you go on the liposuction.

8. The result

The result depends on the elasticity of the skin, age and amount of fat tissue removed. Normal Overweight people with normal skin elasticity will almost always get a good result. The skin will shrink after treatment.
Those over 45 - 50 years who may have varied in weight, for example. by multiple pregnancies will often have lax and inelastic skin, often uneven ("orange"). Our experience is that "orange" could be a little better afterwards, while in a few gets worse. Often we see no change in the "orange" after treatment. Removed too much fat from a patient who already have loose and uneven skin, it can lead to more bumps. Experience shows that few have unevenness in the skin, tolerate it - they prefer a slim figure. Unfortunately, there are no methods of liposuction where one can completely guarantee against irregularities in the skin.
Immediately after the treatment you will see clearly that the fat is removed. But after a few days, the treated area starts to swell, sometimes with a bluish discoloration of the skin. It is perfectly normal - after a few weeks the swelling down. But the final result is sometimes first visible after 3 -6 months. In rare cases it may take several months for the swelling to go down and the skin has withdrawn completely.
Sometimes it happens that some think we've removed too little fat. It does not mean that the operation is unsuccessful. It is better to remove too little than too much. For there is usually no problem to repeat the treatment and remove more fat.
With treatments are sometimes a slight difference between the right and left sides, although the exact same amount is removed from each body half. Such differences are common and may be corrected by an operation later ("alignment") without charge.
Expected results will be passed through to the consultation before surgery. Most people who undergo liposuction (liposuction) is satisfied with the results they achieve. Important is that your expectations are realistic. Do you have a realistic understanding of your own body, there is a high possibility that you will be satisfied.

9. What about body weight?

Often there will be no visible loss of weight after liposuction - is not intent. The aim is a better looking figure.
The fat cells that are removed, are gone forever. All fat cells are removed, however, and the few that are left, may increase in size if one goes up a lot of weight. If you gain weight later, most of the fat will be in other places than where you are treated. For some, this is desirable: they have eg. Powered dieting to get thinner thighs so far that they have become too thin in the face and upper body. After the fat is removed from the "critical" areas, they can safely go up a few kilos again - to its "weight": the result is permanent, assuming that body weight is not increased significantly.

10. Are there any complications?

Liposuction performed correctly is rarely associated with complications or side effects. As with any other operation may be a complication occur also by liposuction. Fornebu Clinic experience, with over twelve thousand treatments over 22 years shows that this is extremely rare. Infection or bleeding can almost ignore. Allergy to anesthetic occurs, but is a risk also exposed to the anesthetic at the dentist or during childbirth. Interest statistically it is more risky to drive!
Irregularities in the skin, as mentioned above occur in rare cases. Then comes the numbness or tenderness over the treated area. Tenderness and after a month, but the numbness can last up to a year. On rare occasions, we may see a slight blue discoloration of the skin, caused by minor bleeding gets stuck in the skin just like tattoos. To avoid this you must keep away from the sun as long as the area is blue and swollen.
Side effects of anesthesia such. Nausea and fatigue, is also sometimes the case at other operations.
Possible complications and side effects can usually be well controlled and that the result is broken.
All in all, liposuction is characterized as a very safe treatment

11. Liposuction of the face and neck

Liposuction of a "double chin" can often be performed without concomitant skin tension. During the consultation is whether the skin is elastic enough. The result is almost always very satisfactorily with an improvement of the profile. After liposuction, you must go with an elastic bandage for at least a week - preferably two. Many experience a bandage as socially harmful, and remain indoors during this time. When the dressing is removed, the area to be swollen. You can massage these areas on your own. Liposuction of the face is usually performed with a facelift. If you are under 40 - 50 years, some parts of the face treated with good results, without simultaneously tightening skin. Store cheek ("cheeks") and fat pads above the jaw line can be good areas.

12. Breasts in Men

Enlarged breasts in men is due to genetic or hormonal factors. The breasts consist mostly of fatty tissue that can be efficiently removed with liposuction. As a rule condition combined with moderate overweight. Men also have a breast gland. It is usually so small that it seems. By the chest will not be completely flat after treatment because it has not been possible to extract glandular tissue. It may therefore be necessary a subsequent operation to remove the gland. Fortunately, this is rarely needed because we use ultrasound. If we know beforehand that the gland is large, we remove it simultaneously through a small incision under the nipple.
Photo Series: See photos of liposuction (fat removal).
The treated area may be slightly swollen afterwards. It is therefore necessary to have a fairly tight bandage or elastic vest surgical site for approx. four weeks.

13. Liposuction on back

In adult women it is very common with a fat fold extending from the shoulder blade to the side of the chest?? approximately level with the bra strap. In narrow or bathing suit can be annoying. Liposuction / liposculpture can often give good results, but sometimes the fat fold of loose skin so much that it will not disappear.

14. Liposuction of thighs

The most common procedure is called a reduction of riding breeches which will be discussed separately in section 14 At the top, on the inside of the thighs, fat deposits cause annoyance. The skin is usually thin and constantly rub against one another, that irritation and dermatitis may occur. Many also like the pants on the inside of the thighs. Here one should be careful with liposuction as the inside skin is thinner and less elastic than the outer side. If too much fat, it may result in annoying imperfections. It is common to remove the little fat on the inner thighs. Rarely is combined with a so-called lårplastikk in patients with very loose skin on the inside.
Many women find that they are too thick at the front of the thighs. But often they have strong muscles and bones - and not as much fat as you first may have thought. At the front of the thighs the skin unevenness, so it is seldom used.

15. Riding breeches

Riding breeches are characterized by fat accumulations on the outside of the thigh and towards the buttocks, and in women, the most common place to treat with liposuction / liposculpture. One does not cause otherwise healthy and normal weight women gain riding breeches. They show up a few years after puberty and continue to increase in size over the years, particularly during pregnancy. Riding breeches are almost impossible to diet away. Weight loss in these women usually only in a thinner upper body. Nor are there any exercises, massage methods or medications that may solve this problem. The only effective treatment for riding breeches are fat removal.
After liposuction, the patient wears a tight panty, which prevent swelling and bumps. Panty'en should be so tight that it almost feels uncomfortable, and to be worn day and night for a week, then only the next three weeks. To prevent swelling of the legs, one should use elastic support stockings the first week. These will need to purchase for health. Panty gets you in the clinic.
If you're blue and swollen, you should start with physical therapy ca. one week after surgery. The end result is just as good if you do the massage yourself, but it may take longer for all the swelling is gone.
Photo series: See pictures of liposuction (fat removal).

16. Removal of fat on hips

Hip fat is about as common in men as in women, and it is not always overweight. The skin on the hips have a relatively good ability to pull together, and uneven skin is seldom a problem.
Other than that, the same principles and guidelines as the operation of "riding breeches". In women often removed hip fat along with breeches fat. Swelling in the form of "" lumps, can last for four to six weeks. Physical therapy or self massage is an advantage. Panty will be used for four weeks.

17. The stomach

Sometimes excess fat on the abdomen combined with too much skin. Loose skin or scarring from previous abdominal surgery, must sometimes be corrected with surgical removal of skin (small or big tummy tuck) as well. In younger patients with elastic skin will only liposuction / liposculpture suffice.
In most cases, we liposuction in the lower part of the stomach, under and around the navel. The fat in this area, in both normal weight and obese, have gathered in a "bump" which for many is difficult to slimming. Fat in the upper part of the stomach, above the navel, is often combined with loose skin. The risk of unevenness is larger in the upper part of the stomach. And here it is also difficult to remove as much fat as desired. Swelling in the abdomen may take longer than other body parts. Adjustments are also more common in the stomach than eg. the thighs.
18. Liposuction of knees
Fat pad on the inside of the knee can relatively easily removed through a small incision. The first week of tight stockings are worn day and night. Then stuff it with the "knee" of the day in a few weeks. With the "knee pads", it is important to make sure that no skin folds over the treated area. Some patients experience pain when climbing stairs the first week. Physical therapy is recommended if it is swollen.
Many are shy of fat deposits in the front of the knee, where it accumulates cushions above and below the kneecap. Because the knee joint still moves and the skin is stretched, these cushions are often combined with loose skin. One can not suck out too much fat on the front of the knee.

19. Ankles and put

Liposuction of thick ankles and calves are not that uncommon. It is important to differentiate between the heavy load caused by muscle and adds that is thick because of fat. Thick load caused muscle can not be treated with liposuction. By standing on the toes can feel whether it is fat or muscle in a heavy load. If the leg when hardening, it is most muscle. At the top of the inside of the leg, the normal fat pads that can also be removed successfully.
Ankles and calves are like the stomach, the swelling after surgery can last several weeks. Pain afterwards is also more common here than for the treatment of other body parts. Here you often need to go longer with tight support stockings, and be careful not to stand for long silent and sit with your legs hanging down. One should always go - or sit with your legs elevated. As a rule, it is also required physiotherapy after liposuction of the ankles and legs.
The results after liposuction of the calves and ankles are usually very good. The difference before and after is very visible, and many feel actually that the blood circulation is improved both in the legs and feet. Moreover, many feel that they have greater endurance. Slender adds that fits better in boots among others, also provides great satisfaction.

środa, 16 stycznia 2013

Vaser Lipo statement

Anna, 33:
“Since I started working when I bought the car, I put on a little bit of weight. I started diet and exercise but I lasted only a month, mostly because of lack of time. In the end I decided on vibro lipo. Doctor explained everything to me
without unnecessary medical slang. I really noticed and felt the difference. Again, I got back to exercising and proper diet. It is better, and I hope that there will be a lot better! I support everyone that is struggling with weight problem”.

środa, 12 grudnia 2012


Liposuction, surgical fat removal  is still a popular procedure among women who want to quickly get rid of the extra pounds. A satisfactory result is achieved much faster than through exercise and proper diet. 

What exactly is the procedure of liposuction and who is it for? Who qualifies for liposuction? 
Contrary to appearances, liposuction is not a treatment for obesity. It is designed for people of normal weight, strong, elastic skin and leading a healthy lifestyle, who want to remove excess fat from certain places. Obese people should lose a few pounds before deciding on surgery of liposuction. Contraindication for liposuction are unregulated diabetes, hyperthyroidism, cardiovascular disease or respiratory, varicose veins, and blood clotting disorders.

środa, 21 listopada 2012

Face lift

Are there any objective (eg, age) indications for lifting or question at what age should perform this operation has any sense, is there any age limit beyond which this operation should not or can not do?
What is the face lift operation that will only affect the skin, and the deeper underlying tissue, if so, what are the advantages and disadvantages that will correct facial features and which are not, or it will disappear after all the wrinkles, what can be done under local anesthesia, how long will it take?
Does cigarette smoking may have a negative impact on the course of healing, if so, how, for how long before and after the surgery you stopped smoking, or if you are not able to stop smoking in general surgeon willing to take on the operation?

What effects can be expected after surgery, or after surgery to completely straighten the wrinkles (folds) and nasolabial wrinkles around the mouth, if not then how can you improve the appearance of this area?
Or in your case, it is advisable to also undergo some additional procedures (such as angioplasty or graft eyelid fat or fat suction of chin) that can benefit from this relate to, whether these treatments can be combined with the basic operation, or you will be performed separately, if so, at what time?

środa, 24 października 2012

BIB (BioEnterics ® Intragastric Balloon)

BIB (BioEnterics ® Intragastric Balloon) is a method that involves the introduction of a silicone gastric balloon into the stomach then filled with saline. Balloon produces satiety, and makes you learn good eating habits. The treatment lasts for about 6 months. During this time, meeting with the doctor, the patient learns to correct principles of nutrition that change in behavior and motivation of their own success makes it easier to obtain a lasting effect. BIB is primarily a weight loss program, which is a combination of modern technology, medical expertise and many years of experience gained in the treatment of several thousands of patients around the world.

środa, 3 października 2012

Liposuction procedure

Liposuction is a procedure that is suppose to  modele figure, remember it is not a way to trim up. It enables to get rid of excess fatty tissue in specific areas such as hips, buttocks, abdomen, thighs, knees. It is safe to remove 3000 ml of fat at once. 

This is the amount sufficient to improve the figure, with relatively small deformation. It is advised to perform messages or endermologies after liposuction to accelerate process of recovery. The effect is lasting on condition of maintaining a proper diet.

piątek, 28 września 2012

Advantages of liposuction.

This quite common surgical procedure gained a lot of attention over the past years. Also it has become one of the most frequently performed surgery all over the world

There are a lot of liposuction advantages.
Coat skin located on the adipose tissue remains intact, apart from a few small cuts in the skin. Because there is no sharp needle tip, but a cylindrical blood vessels in the adipose tissue are not insulting to a large extent. Risk of severe bleeding is minimal. Another advantage is that this surgical technique requires only small incisions of the skin, because the probability of disturbance of wound healing is therefore small. 

Procedure is performed under local anesthesia is preferred because there is minimal risk of side effects associated with general anesthesia. The risk of postoperative thrombosis is therefore also small. However, liposuction is a surgical procedure, the risks must be considered individually.